Pregnancy · February 12, 2021

8 Ways to Build Your Toddler’s Immunity

When your child turns 1 year of age, she learns to walk or toddler. Toddlers are considered children that range from 1 to 4 years of age. This is the stage where she transitions into preschool. 

During the toddler phase of your child, she learns to speak in phrases and express more emotions. 

Toddlers are tricky. They have grown enough to have their wants. They are trying to be independent. At this stage, you may observe your little one throw tantrums if she’s not getting what she wants. 

Taking care of a toddler should not be difficult. You will learn how to take care of her. You will not get everything done in a snap. Remember to keep up with patience.

This is also the stage where you can teach your child. During this period, she is like a sponge that can absorb everything. You can pass on good manners to toddlers by correcting them with love.

This is the best time to guide your little one as her space is opened up wider. You can teach your child good habits. 

It may seem challenging at first. Eventually, you both will get along and at the end of the day, you’ll be a pro. 

Importance of building immunity among toddlers

Germs are everywhere and being exposed to them is part of life. This is not necessarily unfavourable. Exposure to bacteria and viruses can strengthen your toddler’s immune system. 

The immune system is the body’s defence against viruses and bacteria. 

Your child naturally builds her immune system. It is still important to take the necessary actions to boost her immunity. Follow her doctor’s recommendation for vaccinations. 

Building the immune system of your toddler is important to prevent her from being overly susceptible to illness. So here are eight ways to build immunity in your kids:

  • Establish good hygiene

Create a habit of washing hands. Let your child wash her hands before and after meals. Teach your little one the basics of hand-washing with soap and water. Lather for 20 seconds or sing the ABC’s twice before washing off the soap. 

Let her cover her nose and mouth while sneezing and coughing. Make sure to teach her to wash her hands after. 

Hygiene does a vital role in your child’s health. Let her know that this is the easiest way to prevent spreading germs. 

Also, teach your child to brush teeth at least twice daily and daily bath. 

  • Exercise

Regular activities are a natural way to help your toddler’s body boost her immune system. Experts recommend that children get 60 minutes of physical activity per day. 

Take your child for a walk and play in the park. Nature has an excellent stimulation effect on the immune system. Let her dance, jump, run and climb. She is healthier when she is active. 

Exercising is a perfect way to tire her out in the evenings. It will help her sleep better. 

  • Get enough sleep

Toddlers need about 12-13 hours of uninterrupted sleep every day for optimal health. 

Establish a regular bedtime. Introduce curfew on electronic devices, at least 1-2 hours before sleep time. Sleep deprivation can lower her body’s ability to defend itself.

Also, set certain for napping. Body rest is important to activate her immune system. Her growth hormone works best when she sleeps at least 10 hours of sleep at night.

  • Avoid too much sugar

Sugar lowers white blood cell activities. These cells are responsible for protecting her body. 

Too much sugar in your child’s bloodstream can make it hard for her body to fight viruses and bacteria. 

Instead of snack cakes and candy, give your toddler fruits for dessert. Oranges and blueberries are rich in Vitamin C. The white blood cells use this to fight germs. Also, these fruits have natural antioxidants that help protect her cells.  

  • Avoid unnecessary antibiotics

Although antibiotics are helpful, over-reliance on it harms the immune system. Your toddler’s body may start resisting the medicine itself for taking too much of it. 

Building your toddler’s immune system is still best rather than curing an illness. 

  • Maintain a well-balanced diet

Boost your toddler’s immune system with a diet loaded with fruits and vegetables. This also protects her from allergies and seasonal illnesses. Phytonutrients also help in building a strong immune system. These can be found in citrus fruits and beans.

  • Hydrate

Hydration is important for fighting sickness. Give your child plenty of water and fluids. This will help her kidney flush out all the toxins in the body. 

  • Don’t be afraid of dirt

Allowing your child to play outside and get a little dirty has been linked to a stronger immune system and fewer allergies.

Plus, exposing her to sunlight gives her Vitamin D. This is also an immune-boosting vitamin. Studies also revealed that children exposed to green space help their attention and memory develop. 

It will be easier for your little one to learn these with you. Guide her and be the role model of your child. 

Finding an online pediatrician

If you are considering supplements for your toddler’s immunity, consult the doctor first. 

If you have to cut a certain food due to allergy or intolerance, ask for assistance from the doctor. You can visit a walk in clinic Thunder Bay or find a pediatrician online. 

You don’t have to travel to talk to the pediatrician. You can talk and still see each other over a video call. You will still get the best advice from your trusted